Wear the one you want Voucher value in the form and click the button "In the cart".
Your voucher is now in your shopping cart and you can then continue shopping as usual. As soon as you complete your order, you will receive an order confirmation by email as usual.
The voucher will then be sent to you with the ordered products or separately by post.
Do you have any questions about Angelplatz.de gift vouchers?Our service team is at your disposal.
(1) Gift vouchers can be redeemed by the end of the third year after purchase.
(2) For technical reasons, gift vouchers cannot be used to purchase additional gift vouchers.
(3) If the value of the voucher is not sufficient for your order, you can pay the difference by credit card, direct debit, payment on account* or PayPal. *For payment options, see Terms and Conditions under § 4 payment.
(4) Gift vouchers and remaining balance of gift vouchers are valid until their expiry date. Remaining credit will be credited to your gift card account until the expiration date of the voucher, after which it can no longer be used.
(5) To view an existing credit, please log in with your email address and password.
(6) When redeemed, the current balance of the gift voucher always applies.
(7) Gift vouchers can only be redeemed on the website https://www.angelplatz.de via the order form (shopping cart) using the PIN of the voucher. Put the desired products in the shopping cart and log in with your email address and password. If you do not yet have a customer account with us, please register using the order form. Here you can find the information about the gift voucher as Download English PDF .
(2) When ordering a gift voucher, the full payment details must be provided in the order form. A subsequent addition to the information is not possible.
(3) Gift vouchers or gift voucher balances cannot be paid out in cash, offset against outstanding claims or transferred to another Angelplatz.de customer account.
(4) If you have any questions about gift vouchers, our service team will be happy to help you on (0 64 31) 97 69 69-0.
(2) In the event of fraud, attempted deception or suspected other illegal activities in connection with a gift voucher (redemption/purchase) at https://www.angelplatz.de, Angelplatz GmbH is entitled to close the corresponding customer accounts and/or to request an alternative method of payment.