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DAM ULTRA STRONG UNTERFANGK. 3PCS 60x60cm, 3,10m, 50cm, 107cm

DAM ULTRA STRONG UNTERFANGK. 3PCS 60x60cm, 3,10m, 50cm, 107cm

Manufacturer: DAM

Length: 3,1m
Core dimensions: 60 × 60cm
As an angler you have to be able to rely 100% on your equipment at all times and be able to land the fish when you want to. The Ultra Strong landing net series consists of extremely reliable nets that are made of robust, durable top materials and designed for quick and easy operation.
In addition to the improved locking system for the telescopic handle, the nets have the revolutionary Quick-Dry net. This net is made of special fibers that are water-repellent and dry so much faster than those of a standard net. Available in 2- and 3-piece handle variants, the most common lengths and head sizes.
We have an Ultra Strong landing net for everyone!

Easy to use, foldable aluminum head
Unique quick-dry net
Safe adjustment system for the handle to adapt the length to your needs
Internal mesh guide for long mesh durability
Ultra-strong and weight-optimized handle
Compact transport length

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