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Cebbra Flexonit buoyancy system - bait 7-10cm - 1pc.

Cebbra Flexonit buoyancy system - bait 7-10cm - 1pc.

Manufacturer: Flexonit


Gives the bait the necessary buoyancy

The goal of a good predator angler is to offer the bait natural and lifelike. If he does this in the right depth, ie at "eye level" of the robber, success will not be long in coming.

The bait gets the necessary buoyancy from the floating spike that is pushed into the fish. The bait fish can be offered at any height - depending on the length of the leader - above the bottom thanks to a base / lead assembly.


Bait fish and rubber fish are offered lifelike in the desired water depth.

With spin and trolling fishing, bait guidance is possible in slow motion.

Long casts are possible due to the stability of the float.

Firm fit in bait fish and rubber fish. No slitting.

The float pushes blood out of the bait fish. A tantalizing scent trail is the result.

The risk of getting stuck is drastically reduced as the bait hovers over the bottom.

High quality components, such as CMV Triplets, original Flexonite clamping sleeves and steel leader, multi-varnished special wood.

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