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Water flea in the service of clean waters

A new meter can measure water quality accurately and quickly. This makes a symbiosis of biology, technology and software possible, the most important part of which are water fleas.

The daphnia toximeter

A daphnia toximeter is a device that uses the behavior of water fleas (daphnia) to measure the toxicity of water samples. Water fleas are small freshwater crustaceans that are extremely sensitive to environmental changes and pollutants. Their behavior, particularly their swimming and feeding activities, is an indicator of the toxicity of the water they are in. The daphnia toximeter uses this natural reaction to measure the toxicity of water samples.


The functionality of the daphnia toximeter is based on the latest technology. First, live daphnia are placed in a special chamber or jar containing the water sample to be tested. The chamber contains sensors and a high-resolution camera that accurately records the behavior of the Daphnia.
Algorithms are then used to analyze the movement patterns and feeding behavior of the Daphnia. Healthy Daphnia move agilely and actively eat suspended particles in the water. If the water sample contains toxic substances, the behavior of the Daphnia changes. They become less active, their movements slow down, and they stop eating. The changes in behavior provide valuable information about the toxicity of the water.

Applications and Benefits

  1. Environmental Monitoring: The technology makes it possible to continuously monitor water bodies for pollutants and to detect environmental pollution at an early stage. This is particularly important for protecting rivers, lakes and marine ecosystems.
  2. Drinking water quality: With the Daphnia Toximeter, water supply companies can efficiently monitor the quality of their drinking water and ensure that it meets legal standards.
  3. Industrial applications: In industrial processes where potentially toxic substances can be released, the daphnia toximeter can serve as an early warning system to minimize possible environmental impacts.
  4. Research: The technology is also used in scientific research to gain new insights into the effects of environmental stress on aquatic organisms.

The advantages of the daphnia toximeter lie in its sensitivity, speed and precise measurements. Compared to traditional chemical tests, it is a cost-effective and environmentally friendly method of water analysis.


The daphnia toximeter plays a crucial role in keeping water bodies clean. As an efficient tool for monitoring water quality, it enables the early detection of pollutants and environmental pollution. By using daphnia as a sensitive indicator, potential threats to the ecosystem can be quickly identified. The information obtained enables specific measures to be taken to improve water quality, reduce pollution and maintain the ecological balance of water bodies. Thus, the daphnia toximeter makes a significant contribution to protecting the habitats of the fish and ensuring the long-term health of the water bodies.

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