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Trout on the Red List for the first time

For the first time, trout is classified as an endangered fish species in Germany, according to the new Red List for freshwater fish and lampreys. The Leibniz Institute for Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries reports that a total of 21 species have been upgraded to higher endangerment categories. The list was updated for the first time since 2009, and now more than half of the native species are considered endangered or already extinct.

Freshwater fish and lampreys in Germany: Endangered species

The Red List shows that 52% of native freshwater fish species in Germany are considered “endangered” or “extinct or lost”. Only 36% are considered “not at risk”. 21 species were upgraded to higher endangerment categories.

Worsening of the risk situation

The deterioration over the last 14 years is clear. Water pollution, river straightening and transverse structures are among the main causes. Climate change is also affecting the decline.

Known causes and lack of awareness of water bodies as habitats

Causes of endangerment are known for most species, but water bodies are not perceived as important habitats. Other social functions take precedence, resulting in low population sizes.

Political instruments and slow implementation

The Flora-Fauna-Habitats Directive and the Water Framework Directive systematically record causes, but implementation is slow. Socioeconomic factors hinder water protection.

Trout: From stable stock to endangerment

The trout was upgraded from “endangered” to “endangered,” primarily due to water development. This is a warning signal for climate-related biodiversity changes.

Sturgeons: stocking measures as a rescue

Seven out of eight sturgeon species in Europe are “threatened with extinction”. Stocks can only be saved through restocking measures. Historical species such as the Danube sturgeon are now “extinct or lost”.

Atlantic salmon: Still endangered despite stocking

The Atlantic salmon remains “threatened with extinction” despite stocking measures. Improvements to river systems are necessary to mitigate the threat from climate change.

Successes through stocking and renaturation

Stocking measures have reintroduced the Atlantic salmon. There are also successes with buntfin, allis shad and pearl fish through reintroduction projects.

Invasive blackmouth goby: Largest population increase

The species inventory has changed with new species. Four species introduced before 2009 have significantly increased their populations, including the black-mouthed goby with the largest increase in population.

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