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Tips for fishing in winter

Even in the cold season, the real Petri disciple doesn't hide behind the stove because he knows that predatory and predatory fish bite all year round. He also enjoys the special nature experience in the transformed landscape and can choose the best places.

water temperature

Different fish species react differently to temperature changes. And especially in recent years, winters in Germany have become increasingly changeable. In order to fish successfully in winter, it is important to keep an eye on the temperature developments on the water.

A special feature of water is that it has the greatest density at a temperature of 4° Celsius. This is when it is heaviest and therefore sinks downwards. That's why there is usually a correspondingly tempered layer of water at the bottom.

How do the fish react?

Strong and rapid changes in temperature always mean stress, which can lead to damage and, in extreme cases, death. How well fish cope with this varies from species to species.

Cold water fish

They are better able to cope with rapid drops in temperature by reducing their activity and showing loss of appetite. Nevertheless, even with these species, for example minnows or trout, damage occurs. If the temperature rises quickly, their energy requirements increase, which can lead to increased food intake behavior.

Warm water fish

Hot water types, such as Catfish or carp, are particularly vulnerable to damaging effects on their organs when temperatures drop rapidly, which in extreme cases can lead to their death. Initially they go into shock and show lethargic behavior. Rapidly rising temperatures are also not optimal for them, especially if they have lost significant weight during the cold season and therefore no longer have enough energy to search for food. Nevertheless, they tend to move more and show increased activity during this phase.

Neutral species

There are also some species of fish such as Pike-Perch or Pikethat stand in between. They respond to falling temperatures with less activity and can be inactive for long periods of time. However, this behavior changes when temperatures rise again and energy requirements also increase. During such phases they increase their activity significantly and consume more food.

Coarse fish

To like coarse fish in winter carpTo fish for bream, roach or rudd, it is best to start in the deepest parts of the pond or lake. If the catch is successful, you can then start feeding and should remember the spot well. Wheat, corn and hemp are ideal for this. The amount of food should be adjusted to the temperatures, less in colder weather. The regularity of feeding is more important than the quantity. Even in winter, the coarse fish remember the feeding place and travel, albeit short distances, to do so. Fragrances also work in winter. Especially at this time of year, you can use more intense and bitter flavors to attract the coarse fish. Sweet or fruity flavors, on the other hand, are more suitable for coarse fishing in summer.


When the coarse fish are in the deeper regions in winter, predatory fish such as pike, zander and perch may also be nearby. When fishing for predatory fish, it is advisable to also place a rod with bait fish on the bottom not far from the coarse fish hotspot. The predators often stay near roach and other coarse fish. In winter, predatory fish also reduce their food intake. Larger baitfish are better suited here, as every failed attack on a fish means a loss of energy for pike. Energy is scarcer in predatory fish in winter. A large bait saturates for longer and is therefore used for winter fishing Predatory fishing prefers.


Obtain live bait

Natural bait often proves to be particularly effective during the cold season. To ensure that maggots and worms do not freeze and become unusable, it is important to store them in a warm place. A practical tip is to put them in a thick stocking and put it in a spacious jacket or trouser pocket. The body heat keeps the bait alive and guarantees a successful day of fishing.

Intensify flavors

In the winter time it is crucial to enhance the flavors contained in the bait in order to attract fish. Specialists in coarse fish fishing use salt as a flavor enhancer in their feed mixtures. The salt content can be up to ten percent and at the same time increases the mineral value of the food. Predator anglers increase the attractiveness of their bait by enhancing their lures with aromatic attractants.

What do you need as an angler?

Warm clothing

As the saying goes: “There is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing.” This insight is particularly true when it comes to winter fishing. If it's wet, cold or even biting outside, it will high quality clothing essential on the water. Breathable thermal clothing not only provides warmth, but also transports moisture to the outside. One Cap is an indispensable accessory because most of your body heat is lost through your head.

Hand and foot warmers

Tying a montage with clammy fingers is laborious. Good gloves made of fleece or wool are essential. If the cold continues, pocket stoves are ideal, heated with carbon rods or lighter fluid. Because of the heat they generate, they should be stored safely in a stocking. To keep your feet warm, there are heated shoe insoles available on the market, either with a battery or as disposable soles, which provide heat for hours through contact with oxygen.

The right cord

Braided lines absorb water and can therefore freeze in temperatures below zero degrees. Therefore they are only partially suitable for fishing in winter. Even experienced anglers who prefer braided lines should always have a spare spool with them during the winter months monofilament line have along.


Catching fish in winter is just as possible as in summer, although not in the same quantities. However, to ensure that the fishing trip in the cold season does not turn into a stressful, frozen experience, the right equipment is essential. The degree of warmth of clothing depends not only on the air temperature, but also on the strength of the wind. This is an important aspect that every winter angler should consider.

Only those who are dressed warmly can really enjoy the wonderful winter natural scenery. In winter, nature has a very special charm: Due to the cold temperatures, you may notice less of the flora and fauna, but more of the vastness and the quiet atmosphere.

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