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Smoking made easy

Preservation with tradition

Smoke has been used since primeval times, which has been obvious since the invention of fire. On closer inspection, however, this simple method is quite ingenious. The smoked food is not only protected from insect infestation, it is also preserved over the long term and also has a special flavor.


It goes without saying that the fish must be properly prepared before smoking. First, he is gutted and washed.


Larger fish are filleted. To do this, the knife is placed behind the head on the back and the tip of the knife is pushed through the spine to the abdominal cavity. One then cuts down along the spine to the caudal fin. The abdominal bones are severed. Repeat this on the other side so both fillets stay connected. Finally, they are rinsed off thoroughly with water.


The #1 Flavor Enhancer also enhances the smoked fish. You can either pickle it in brine or dry salt it.


With this method, the fish is pickled in salt water, being based on

1 kg of fish
1,5 liters of water and
50 - 70 g table salt come.

Refine with bay leaves, juniper berries and mustard and peppercorns to taste!
Soak the fish for 12 hours.

dry salts

You take for

1 kg of fish fillets
50 g table salt and rub it in well.

Store fish for 12-48 hours in a cool, dark room

Drying Solutions

No matter how the salt is administered, after the treatment the fish is rinsed well. Now he can dry. It should be protected from the sun and insects. Smoking hooks, the tip of which is passed through the mouth of the fish, are already useful here. Filets are left hanging down.

Whether the fish is dry enough can be determined by touching it. If nothing sticks to your finger, the fish is ready for the next step.

Hot smoking

In this original method, the fish is simply placed so that it is exposed to the temperature of 80 to 90 degrees near the wood fire and the smoke. After an hour or two, the shelf life will have increased slightly and the fish will have a smoky flavor.

Cold smoke fish

It has now been shown that longer smoking at a lower temperature leads to fish that have a much longer shelf life. This is especially useful when you think of fishermen who can't immediately consume a larger catch.

For this type of smoking, special smoking ovens or a smokehouse are used, in which the fish is smoked for up to 20 days. The exact duration is of course different depending on the fish species. Once the fish has turned golden to medium brown, it is removed from the smokehouse to cool in a cool, dark place.


To intensify the taste, the process is repeated. Then the smoking consists of several smoking processes. For each course, the fish remains in the cold smokehouse for the same amount of time after the smoke treatment. One course takes 4-5 hours. Some smoked salmon goes through 6 courses and takes up to 60 hours!


As so often, it depends on the good interaction of many factors. Suitable accessories make a difference. Smoking flour made from resin-free wood is used for flavoring, as it is responsible for the good taste. Products made from beech, ash, chestnut, juniper and willow have proven their worth.

smoked eel

Especially the smoked eel is very popular. It is marinated in brine and flavored with spices such as juniper berries, barbecue spices or a crushed clove of garlic.

The smoker must of course be large enough and should be fired with beech wood chips to achieve a fine aroma.

Smoked trout

You can also use ready-to-cook copies from the supermarket, whether fresh or frozen, both can be smoked equally well. As soon as the fish skin is golden brown, the eyes are white and the tail fin can be easily detached, you have a perfect result.

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