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Pioneer England: Fishing on prescription

Every angler knows from their own experience the positive effect that fishing has on their own mood. Since its benefits for mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety have been scientifically proven, it has become increasingly popular, at least in Great Britain.

Connecting with nature has a positive effect on our health by significantly reducing stress and its harmful effects. Spending time by the water has a calming effect. Recreational fishing allows you to free yourself from intrusive thoughts, clear your mind and reduce fears. Fishing in a beautiful natural environment enhances this effect by engaging all the senses and increasing well-being.

Anglers undoubtedly need to develop patience to be successful. This patience inevitably requires increased concentration on the actions to be carried out. Whether you're simply fishing with bait or pursuing a lurking fish, it takes full attention to attract these wild animals in their natural environment. This is an excellent way to sharpen concentration while feeling joy.

In the NHS in Great Britain, fishing is increasingly being prescribed as a treatment for depression and anxiety instead of psychotropic drugs. In addition to fishing equipment, this also includes a coach who shows how it's done. Each catch is reset again.

stress reduction

Fishing is relaxing because it takes us out of everyday life and puts us in a manageable, well-controlled situation where we concentrate on one simple thing. This means our thoughts stop circling around our problems and we can relax mentally. This has also proven effective for post-traumatic stress disorders.

Active lifestyle

The fishing trip must be planned and prepared. You have a goal in mind, do something for it, leave your usual surroundings to get to the fishing spot. There you meet like-minded people and learn new things that you can use to your immediate advantage. Body and mind are active and challenged.

Closeness to nature

Studies have shown that just spending time in nature has a positive effect on your health. Just a quarter of an hour outside can lift your mood and make you feel stronger and have more energy.

One can only hope that other countries will also adopt the idea of ​​relying less on medication and instead mobilizing their own strengths holistically. Especially when it's a wonderful form of therapy like fishing.

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