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Fishing trips enrich care center residents

A nice day by the water is a matter of course for many. Care center residents, on the other hand, rarely go outside. This is how a fishing club from the Netherlands came up with the idea of ​​offering free fishing trips for the residents of a care center. With great success, because everyone is enthusiastic, from the participant to the supervisor. This example should also set a precedent in Germany!

From the start of the program, the Liemerije branch in Zevenaar, The Netherlands, was immediately enthusiastic. Together with the residents of Liemerije Westervoort there is now monthly fishing. The care centers take the residents by bus to the water, where volunteers from the Fishing Club de Breuly are already waiting. There they enjoy being outside, the wonderful weather and the nice conversations with the volunteers. But not only the residents enjoy it, the helpers are also happy about the success of their work.

A trip that the residents really want

The Liemerije facility stands for people-oriented care for the elderly, in which the personal wishes of everyone are taken into account. Making an old passion like fishing possible again fits in well with this. “We knew from the residents that they really wanted to fish and so we responded enthusiastically,” says Miriam, activities manager at the Liemerije. After the success story in Zevenaar, the news of the fishing trips then spread like wildfire through the Liemerije.

Individualization ensures success

If the Liemerije Meulenveld also applies, there is initially a challenge to find a suitable location. But with good advice from Reinier, the coach of HSV Doesburg, it worked quickly. Now a team of motivated volunteers ensure that you can fish there regularly. All sorts of stories are told by the water. “Next time I want to sit with you again, hey!” says one participant to the volunteer as he is escorted back to the bus after the fishing trip.

Liemerije Dijkzicht is also enthusiastic. Coach Henk and his volunteers from HSV Eiland Rijnwaarden now regularly organize fishing trips here. Another branch has since been added. The fishing trips are organized there by the volunteers within walking distance from the care center. It is important to look at each care center separately, which is possible that the local approach makes this example such a success.

The local approach

For these events, the care center is put in contact with the local fishing club. From the club, the coordinating coach takes care of further coordination. The trainer provides rods, bait, feed and enough volunteers to guide the newbies. The care center takes care of transport to the water, chairs, a snack, a drink and care instructions: let the fishing begin!

Source: Sportvisserij Nederland

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